Balancing Act
The rising incidence of infectious diseases worldwide presents a high-stakes challenge for industrial hygienists, occupational and environmental health and safety professionals, and others involved in the mitigation and management of diseases: how to protect public and worker health while being mindful of the environmental sustainability of healthcare facilities as care and treatment needs grow.

Better Together
As infection prevention, healthcare delivery, and the understanding of disease transmission grow more complex, it is critical to break down silos and foster collaboration between the professions of infection control and industrial hygiene.

Prioritizing Exposure Controls
Utilizing banding logic prior to exposure assessment helps prioritize hazards, ensuring that limited resources are allocated to appropriate areas.

Performance vs. Performative: Make Metrics Matter
To reduce the potential for misuse, metrics programs should be developed in conjunction with well-established goals and reporting parameters determined prior to the outcomes being calculated.
Exposures to Firefighters at Grenfell Tower
Two studies published online in January by the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine focus on exposures and health outcomes experienced by firefighters who responded to the Grenfell Tower fire in London, England, in June 2017.
AIHA Candidates' Forum
Each year, The Synergist asks candidates for the AIHA Board of Directors to participate in a candidates' forum. The candidates' responses to a question about the domains and goals in AIHA's 2025–2027 strategic plan appear on these pages.
David Finch, Evy Poumpouras to Deliver AIHA Connect Keynotes
AIHA has reached agreements with David Finch and Evy Poumpouras to deliver the keynote addresses at AIHA Connect 2025 in Kansas City, Missouri. More about the opening and closing session speakers can be found in this issue.
Occupational Health Disparities
From the May 2023 issue: Since before the establishment of OSHA in 1970, industrial hygienists and OEHS professionals have been striving to protect workers through policies, regulations, research, and intervention. But despite our best efforts, some worker populations and worker groups still experience higher rates of injuries and illnesses, possibly due to occupational health disparities.
Battle of the Bands
From the December 2023 issue: As IH professionals, we love the details: data, measurements, numbers. The ability to measure something elusive in a quantitative way feels like taking control; we make sense of the chaos, squeezing logic out of the mess. But what happens when this approach fails due to lack of data or exposure limits? Enter “the bands”: hazard banding, control banding, and occupational exposure banding.
Could It Happen Here? Talking about Somebody Else's Accident
From the September 2017 issue: When something goes wrong at another organization’s facility that’s similar to yours, what, if anything, should you tell your stakeholders?
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