
Heat Stress App Featured on The Weather Channel AIHA CEO Larry Sloan appeared on The Weather Channel Aug. 15 to discuss AIHA’s Heat Stress Mobile App, which recommends ways that users can protect themselves from the effects of heat. A beta version of the app was released in June.
Sloan, speaking from AIHA’s office in Falls Church, Virginia, appeared on “America’s Morning Headquarters,” a show that airs weekdays from 6 a.m. to 12 noon. Co-host Stephanie Abrams began the segment on Aug. 15 by observing that “heat indices will climb well into the triple digits” and that the temperature was expected to reach 115 F in some parts of the United States.
Co-host Jordan Steele added, “One organization is addressing the risk for outdoor workers in the form of an app.” Steele then introduced Sloan and asked him to explain what AIHA’s goals were with the app’s release.
“We decided that we needed to do more to protect the outdoor worker, because obviously, as climate change continues, the ramifications of heat stress are taking a larger toll on outdoor workers,” Sloan said.
Sloan explained that the app is based on the wet bulb globe temperature, or WBGT. Because WBGT accounts for ambient air temperature, relative humidity, and wind velocity, it is a more accurate environmental metric of heat stress than the heat index. The app pulls local weather data for the user’s location from the National Weather Service and calculates the user’s WBGT. App users can also input the type of clothing they’re wearing, the degree of cloud cover, and the intensity of their workload. Based on these variables, the app adjusts the WBGT, presents the user’s heat stress risk level, and recommends ways the user can lower their risk, such as drinking more water or resting in shade.
Asked why AIHA developed the app, Sloan said, “As the association for protecting workers, we felt we had to step up and take a leadership role.”
The app is now available to the public for both iOS and Android devices. To download the app or view a recording of The Weather Channel segment, visit AIHA's Healthier Workplaces website.
The Heat Stress Mobile App is a project of AIHA’s Thermal Stress Working Group and improves upon the Heat Safety Tool released by OSHA and NIOSH in 2017. The story of the app’s development appeared in the June/July 2024 issue of The Synergist. Coming Soon: Vendor Directory for OEHS Professionals The 2025 Vendor Directory for OEHS Professionals, a comprehensive resource for industrial hygiene, safety, and environmental products and services, will be mailed together with the November issue of The Synergist. Keep the Vendor Directory handy for easy access to information you need to make purchasing decisions. Companies are listed first in alphabetical order with complete mailing addresses, website addresses, and phone numbers. The Vendor Directory also includes a listing of companies that offer products or services in specific categories. In addition to the print version, the Vendor Directory has an upgraded digital home with a powerful search function and a user-friendly interface that facilitates browsing on both mobile and desktop devices. Visit the Vendor Directory online. Updated White Paper on E-Cigarettes Available An update of AIHA’s white paper on electronic cigarettes reviews the literature on public exposures and health risks from their use. AIHA recommends that e-cigarettes be considered a source of aerosols, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and particulates in the indoor environment that have not been thoroughly characterized or evaluated for health risk or safety. The white paper calls for research on the health effects from inhaling e-cigarette ingredients that are reported to be generally recognized as safe (GRAS) via ingestion, but that have not yet been evaluated for inhalation toxicity, as well as any associated thermal degradation products; the health effects of secondhand emissions, thirdhand exposures, and nicotine addiction from e-cigarettes; the dynamics of pre- and post-respiration e-cigarette aerosols and their fate in the environment; and lifecycle and end-of-use issues associated with e-cigarette manufacturing, use, and disposal. The white paper is available as a PDF. New on AIHA.org: Fact Sheet on Noise Dosimetry A new fact sheet developed by the AIHA Noise Committee discusses the calibration, placement, and settings of noise dosimeters as well as how to interpret results obtained from the instruments. The fact sheet explains OSHA requirements for noise sampling for both full shifts (eight hours) and extended shifts. It notes that, in addition to calculating doses for comparison against the OSHA PEL and the OSHA threshold for placing workers in a hearing conservation program, dosimeters can also calculate dose against the ACGIH Threshold Limit Value and the NIOSH recommended exposure limit, which are more protective than OSHA’s criteria. The fact sheet also describes an additional exposure limit known as the low-risk criterion level, which is intended to be used when workers are exposed to high noise levels both at work and away from work. OEHS practitioners should be aware that the presence of ototoxic chemicals may trigger the implementation of a hearing conservation program even if noise exposure levels are relatively low. “Previous studies suggest that the risk of hearing loss is much greater for groups exposed to ototoxic chemicals,” the fact sheet notes. Definitions of terms related to noise dosimetry and a list of OSHA requirements are included in the fact sheet. Download the fact sheet as a PDF from AIHA's website. Nominate Your Colleagues for Awards and Honors AIHA requests nominations for the 2025 AIHA awards and Fellows. AIHA’s awards recognize the accomplishments and contributions of industrial hygienists and occupational and environmental health and safety professionals of all career stages who have demonstrated their commitment to preserving, advancing, and ensuring the health and safety of workers and communities around the world. AIHA members who are in good standing may submit award nominations. The AIHA Fellow designation is limited to no more than five percent of the association’s national membership. AIHA local sections, special interest groups, committees, and peers may nominate individuals for consideration as Fellows. AIHA’s awards include the Edward J. Baier Technical Achievement Award, which honors those who have made substantial contributions to OEHS through technical expertise, innovations, research, scientific advancements, and interaction with or influence on other scientific disciplines; and the Kusnetz Award for Outstanding Achievement by an Early Career Professional, which honors industrial hygienists under the age of 40 who show promise for leadership in the IH profession. Other awards for which AIHA seeks nominations include the Donald E. Cummings Memorial Award for Outstanding OEHS Practice, the Alice Hamilton Award for Social Responsibility, and the Yant Award for Outstanding International Service. The AIHA Fellow designation recognizes full members in good standing who have at least 15 years of continuous membership and have made contributions to IH or related disciplines in areas such as original research, work in policy, leadership, and service to AIHA. Potential new Fellows will also be evaluated for their achievements in education and their professional IH experience. The deadlines for nominations are Dec. 31, 2024, for AIHA Fellows and Jan. 13, 2025, for AIHA awards. The nomination portals can be found via the AIHA website. Last Call: Board of Directors Nominations AIHA seeks nominations for four Board of Directors positions that will be vacated in May 2025: vice president, treasurer-elect, and two at-large director positions. Electronic submission forms are available for all positions. The AIHA Board supports diversity and welcomes applications from all eligible candidates. The deadline to submit nominations is Friday, Oct. 16. Visit the AIHA website for more information and send questions to Thursa Pecoraro. AIHA Connect OnDemand Recordings Now Available AIHA Connect OnDemand now offers access to recorded versions of AIHA Connect 2024 educational sessions. Choose your preferred topic areas and view sessions you missed on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, while earning CM contact hours. Recordings are available for purchase individually, bundled by topic, and as part of a full package containing 110 educational sessions. The AIHA Connect 2024 Full OnDemand Package will only be available for purchase through Dec. 31. To learn more, visit AIHA's website. Register to Attend PSX PSX 2024, the conference of the Product Stewardship Society, will be held in Denver, Colorado, from Oct. 15 to 17. The conference will focus on trends, technologies, and best practices in product stewardship. For more information or to register, visit the conference home page.
Catalyst Returns to Higher Logic Catalyst, AIHA’s online member community, has relaunched on the Higher Logic platform. With the transition, Catalyst regains its familiar, user-friendly interface. Other enhancements include improved navigation, accessible features on a single member home page, tools for holding discussions, maintaining document libraries, and communicating with other users, a customizable schedule for digest emails, and an improved member directory. Members can now access Catalyst via the AIHA website.
Dates and Deadlines Oct. 15–17 PSX 2024 in Denver, Colorado.
Oct. 16 Deadline to submit nominations for the AIHA Board of Directors.
Oct. 17 Webinar: Maximizing the Effectiveness of Hearing Protection Through Fit Testing.
Oct. 21–23 Exposure and Chemical Monitoring: Beyond IH Fundamentals in Westerville, Ohio.
Oct. 22 and Nov. 19 Three-Part Occupational Toxicology Webinar Series: Mechanisms of Action, Safety Data Sheet Communication, and Hazard Prioritization, second and third installments.
Oct. 29
Webinar: Why Work Rate Matters in Respirator Selection: How Negative Pressure Respirators Affect Breathing.