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Geographical MINNESOTA
(C = Commercial R = Residential)
Atlas, (C)
Kevin Cairns, CIH
Leslie Cloonan, CIH
Deborah S. Green, CIH
5301 E River Road
Suite 101
Fridley, MN 55421-3779
(651) 295-4037
(877) 282-4756
1 Aerosol and Airborne Particulate Monitoring, 2 Asbestos, Lead and Dust, 5 Consulting, 6 Education and Training, 7 Emergency Preparedness and Response, 8 Environmental Protection and Monitoring, 10 Ergonomics, 11 Exposure Assessment, 12 Gas and Vapor Detection, 13 Hazard Communication, 14 Hearing Conservation and Noise Reduction, 15 Indoor Air Quality, 17 Legal and Expert Witness, 18 Mold, 20 OHS Management Systems, Auditing and Compliance, 21 Personal Protective Equipment, 24 Real-time Detection Services and Direct Reading Instruments, 25 Regulatory Compliance, 26 Respiratory Protection, 28 Safety, 30 Thermal Stress Protection and Monitoring, 32 Ventilation, 33 COVID-19
Institute for Environmental Assessment, Inc. (C)
Mary R. Ferrian, CSP 9201 West Broadway Avenue Suite 600 Brooklyn Park, MN 55445-1924 (763) 315-7900
1 Aerosol and Airborne Particulate Monitoring, 2 Asbestos, Lead and Dust, 5 Consulting, 6 Education and Training, 7 Emergency Preparedness and Response, 8 Environmental Protection and Monitoring, 10 Ergonomics, 11 Exposure Assessment, 12 Gas and Vapor Detection, 13 Hazard Communication, 14 Hearing Conservation and Noise Reduction, 15 Indoor Air Quality, 17 Legal and Expert Witness, 18 Mold, 21 Personal Protective Equipment, 25 Regulatory Compliance, 26 Respiratory Protection, 27 Risk Assessment and Management, 28 Safety, 30 Thermal Stress Protection and Monitoring, 32 Ventilation, 33 COVID
Ramboll, (C)
Andre M. Reed, CIH, CSP
5050 Lincoln Drive
Suite 440, 4th Floor
Interlachen Corporate Centre
Edina, MN 55436
(763) 400-5008
1 Aerosol and Airborne Particulate Monitoring, 3 Biological Monitoring, 4 Biosafety, 5 Consulting, 6 Education and Training, 7 Emergency Preparedness and Response, 8 Environmental Protection and Monitoring, 10 Ergonomics, 11 Exposure Assessment, 14 Hearing Conservation and Noise Reduction, 16 Labs - Health and Safety, Testing, 17 Legal and Expert Witness, 18 Mold, 19 Occupational Epidemiology, 20 OHS Management Systems, Auditing and Compliance, 23 Radiation Protection and Monitoring, 26 Respiratory Protection, 27 Risk Assessment and Management, 28 Safety, 31 Toxicology, 32 Ventilation, 33 COVID-19
Terracon Consultants, Inc., (C)
Mike Willey
13400 15th Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55441-4532
(763) 489-3100
(800) 593-7777
(763) 489-3101 FAX
1 Aerosol and Airborne Particulate Monitoring, 2 Asbestos, Lead and Dust, 3 Biological Monitoring, 5 Consulting, 6 Education and Training, 11 Exposure Assessment, 12 Gas and Vapor Detection, 14 Hearing Conservation and Noise Reduction, 15 Indoor Air Quality, 16 Labs - Health and Safety, Testing, 18 Mold, 24 Real-time Detection Services and Direct Reading Instruments, 25 Regulatory Compliance, 26 Respiratory Protection, 28 Safety, 32 Ventilation