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Specialty Codes Cross Reference
1. Aerosol and Airborne Particulate Monitoring 2. Asbestos, Lead, and Dust 3. Biological Monitoring 4. Biosafety 5. Consulting 6. Education and Training 7. Emergency Preparedness and Response 8. Environmental Protection and Monitoring 9. Equipment Rental and Repair 10. Ergonomics 11. Exposure Assessment 12. Gas and Vapor Detection 13. Hazard Communication 14. Hearing Conservation and Noise Reduction 15. Indoor Air Quality 16. Labs – Health and Safety, Testing 17. Legal and Expert Witness 18. Mold 19. Occupational Epidemiology 20. OHS Management Systems, Auditing and Compliance 21. Personal Protective Equipment 22. Publications and Trade Magazines 23. Radiation Protection and Monitoring 24. Real-time Detection Services and Direct Reading Instruments 25. Regulatory Compliance 26. Respiratory Protection 27. Risk Assessment and Management 28. Safety 29. Testing, Certification and Credentialing 30. Thermal Stress Protection and Monitoring 31. Toxicology 32. Ventilation 33. COVID-19