
AIHA Launches Updated IH Calculator A new app on the AIHA website helps industrial hygienists and OEHS professionals quickly and accurately calculate various parameters related to occupational health and safety. The app is the long-awaited update to the IH calculator previously hosted on AIHA.org beginning in 2012.
Users of the new app can make 82 separate calculations related to heat stress, noise, statistics, ventilation, radiation, and basic sciences. For each calculation, the app presents the relevant equation. Users can click an “information” icon to learn more about a particular calculation, such as what the variables in a formula represent.
The app prompts users to enter values for each variable, select up to four digits of precision, and, where applicable, indicate which units of measure the result should be expressed in. A tool within the app also allows users to quickly convert one type of unit to another—for example, metric units to imperial ones, parts per million to milligrams per meter cubed (for concentration), millimeters of mercury to pound-force per square inch (for pressure), cubic meters per second to liters per minute (for flow rate), and other applications.
Responsively designed for ease of use on desktops, laptops, and mobile devices, the IH calculator app presents equations that appear on the Board for Global EHS Credentialing CIH certification exam, in the documentation for ACGIH Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices, and in the ACGIH publication Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice for Design.
Members of the former AIHA Emerging Digital Technologies Committee helped develop and fine-tune the app. The committee recently merged with the Technology Initiatives Strategic Advisory Group to form the Digital and AI Transformation Exchange Working Group.
Access the app.
CPAG Applications Due March 31 The Content Portfolio Advisory Group (CPAG) plays a key role in shaping AIHA’s body of content on industrial hygiene and occupational and environmental health and safety. By providing strategic input and advice to the AIHA Board and staff, CPAG helps ensure the association’s resources remain relevant and impactful.
CPAG’s primary responsibilities include guiding AIHA’s content strategy, reviewing proposals for new content, and monitoring trends to identify emerging topics for which new content may be needed. Current content priorities for AIHA include big data, artificial intelligence, and sensor technologies; enhancing OEHS communication skills; adapting to changing work dynamics; and Total Worker Health. More information on these priorities is available on the AIHA website.
CPAG comprises six to ten members who represent a diverse cross-section of AIHA’s membership. CPAG members serve three-year terms with staggered transitions. Ideal candidates are current and active AIHA members with a balance of industry sector experience, professional expertise, and involvement in AIHA volunteer groups.
Members who are passionate about shaping the future of OEHS content and want to contribute their expertise are encouraged to apply. Applications are due March 31. For more information or to submit your application, visit the AIHA website.
Standards Advisory Panel Seeks Applicants Applications to join the Standards Advisory Panel (SAP) are due April 1. The SAP advises the AIHA Guideline Foundation (AGF) Board of Directors on issues related to consensus standards and outlines strategies that allow AIHA to identify important standards-related issues, determine the appropriate level of AIHA involvement in consensus standards, help the AGF Board select representatives to consensus standards developing bodies, and track activities related to standards development.
The SAP comprises 10 members representing a cross-section of the AIHA membership. Each member serves a three-year term. Terms are staggered so that as members rotate off, they are replaced with new members each year.
For more information or to apply, visit the AIHA website.
AIHA Comments on EPA’s Draft Risk Evaluation of 1,3-Butadiene AIHA has submitted comments to EPA regarding the agency’s draft risk evaluation of 1,3-butadiene. The comments summarize studies of occupational exposures to 1,3-butadiene and provide information about its health effects.
A volatile, colorless gas, 1,3-butadiene is used to manufacture plastic and synthetic rubber products, including tires. EPA, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, and the United States National Toxicology Program all classify 1,3-butadiene as a human carcinogen. It has also been associated with cardiovascular disease and autism in children.
1,3-butadiene can be produced by combustion from industrial processes, automobile engines, and forest fires started by lightning strikes. OSHA’s permissible exposure limit for 1,3-butadiene is 1 ppm as an eight-hour time-weighted average. OSHA also has a short-term exposure limit of 5 ppm for 15 minutes.
The comments include recommendations for more research on environmental contamination from internal combustion engines and potential occupational exposures in petroleum refineries and other industrial operations. Read the comments in PDF format.
Continuing Education Committee Accepting Membership Applications AIHA is now accepting applications for positions on the Continuing Education Committee. The CEC comprises 12 members who serve four single-year terms. The CEC’s mission is to ensure the highest possible quality for AIHA training programs and educational opportunities for professionals in occupational and environmental health. The CEC provides one of the levels of technical peer review of AIHA’s professional development courses, or PDCs. CEC members are also asked to audit new educational offerings, which provides an opportunity for them to earn certification maintenance (CM) hours at no cost.
Selection of new CEC members will be completed in the coming months. Terms will begin with AIHA Connect 2025 in Kansas City, Missouri.
Applications are due by March 12. Prospective volunteers are asked to submit a current resume or CV and fill out an application listing their experience, knowledge, and primary areas of interest. The application is available on AIHA’s website. For more information, email Erin Breece, CEC staff liaison, or visit the committee webpage.
Get Involved with the Conference Program Committee AIHA seeks applicants for membership in the Conference Program Committee (CPC), which is responsible for reviewing and selecting education sessions for AIHA Connect. The CPC’s goals include developing an innovative program for AIHA Connect that meets the educational needs of the profession and long-range planning for continuous improvement of the technical quality of the annual conference. The committee is intended to be representative of the AIHA membership and the AIHA Connect audience and bring subject matter expertise and the conference attendee’s perspective to the deliberations over which session proposals to choose.
More information about the CPC and how to apply is available on AIHA’s website. Applications are due by March 21.
AIHA Connect Advance Rates Expire March 16 The lowest registration rates for AIHA Connect 2025 expire this month. Register by March 16 to save. The conference will be held May 19–21 in Kansas City, Missouri, and virtually. Both in-person and virtual registrants can earn up to 23.25 contact hours. Visit the conference website for more information or to register.
AIHA Connect: Student Posters, Presentations Due March 12 Submissions for student presentations and student posters for AIHA Connect 2025 are being accepted through March 12. Presenting at AIHA Connect is your opportunity to advance the OEHS profession by introducing attendees to the latest information, trends, technology, and best practices. High-priority topics for AIHA Connect include human capital/ESG; big data, AI, and sensor technology; Total Worker Health; enhancing OEHS communication skills; and changing work dynamics.
AIHA Connect 2025 will be held in Kansas City, Missouri, May 19–21. For more information or to begin the submission process, visit the conference website.
Discounts Available for ACGIH TSCA Webinar Series AIHA members can access ACGIH webinars on EPA’s risk evaluations under the Toxic Substances Control Act for the same price as ACGIH subscribers. The series includes five on-demand webinars. To claim the discount, visit the ACGIH store and use the code AIHATSCA at checkout. The offer is available through March 14.
Dates and Deadlines March 12 Applications due for the Continuing Education Committee.
March 12 Proposal deadline for AIHA Connect 2025 student posters and student presentations. March 16 Advance registration deadline for AIHA Connect 2025.
March 21 Applications due for the Conference Program Committee. .
March 31 Applications due for the Content Portfolio Advisory Group.
April 1 Applications due for the Standards Advisory Panel.