Paper Describes Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor Decontamination of N95s
published in Applied Biosafety
describes the efforts of scientists affiliated with the Duke University Health System to validate a method for decontaminating N95 respirators with vaporized hydrogen peroxide. The authors expect the method, if used in tandem with interim CDC guidelines for extending the working life of respirators, to help ease the strain on respirator supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic.
CDC has not approved any decontamination method for respirators but has stated that decontamination and reuse of respirators may be necessary to extend capacity.
The method involves placing used respirators on racks and distributing a 35 percent hydrogen peroxide solution through the room until the concentration reaches 480 ppm. The respirators are “gassed” for 25 minutes, and the vapor is maintained in the room for an additional 20 minutes.
After trial runs, quality assurance checks and fit testing of the decontaminated respirators indicated that they were ready for reuse.
For more information, view a recorded webinar
conducted by Duke Health.