California Establishes Interim Cleanup Standards for Fentanyl Labs
In October, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill 1596, the Fentanyl Contaminated Property Cleanup Act, which establishes interim standards for the cleanup of fentanyl labs until permanent standards can be developed by the state or federal government. As a result of this legislation, local health officers will be provided with directions on how to provide adequate notice to property owners and renters of property contaminated by fentanyl as well as guidance on overseeing the cleanup of these properties. The law also requires homeowners to notify potential renters or buyers that an overdose occurred on the premises.
AIHA supported this legislation as it moved through the California state legislature because the establishment of procedures and standards for the cleanup of sites contaminated by fentanyl will help protect the health and safety of those who live or work in the state.
View the legislation on the website for California legislative information.