Call for Proposals Opens for IOHA 2020
The submission portal for proposals for IOHA 2020 is now open. IOHA 2020, which will be held Oct. 17–22 in Daegu, South Korea, will be the 12th International Occupational Hygiene Association International Scientific Conference and will be hosted by the Korea Industrial Hygiene Association. The theme of the conference, “Bridging Gaps in OH Development, Opening New Horizons,” is intended to recognize the “border-crossing nature” of occupational health and safety.
Individuals may submit proposals for professional development courses, symposia, and special lectures to present at IOHA 2020 through Jan. 31, 2020. Symposia will focus on specific research issues, problems, or topics. Conference organizers encourage submissions on topics such as risk assessment, risk management, exposure assessment methodologies and applications, and international cooperation and harmonization activities. Special lectures are intended to share industrial hygiene knowledge, principles, and specific subjects with young researchers or students.
More information about IOHA 2020 is available on the conference website.