Frequent Exertion and Standing
at Work
Nearly 40 percent of all currently employed American adults have jobs that require both frequent exertion and frequent standing, according to a new report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The report is based on responses to an occupational health supplement to the 2015 National Health Interview Survey, the largest in-person health survey in the United States.
The NHIS generated more than 17,400 responses to questions about the frequency with which working adults engage in repetitive lifting, pulling, pushing, or bending, and in standing or walking while at work. After weighting the responses to be nationally representative, CDC determined that an estimated 52.7 million American adults have jobs that require frequent exertion and standing.
The report also presents weighted data on the prevalence of frequent exertion and frequent standing within the industry and occupational groups identified by the North American Industry Classification System.
Further information from the report appears below.
From “Frequent Exertion and Frequent Standing at Work, by Industry and Occupation Group—United States, 2015”
:“By industry, the highest prevalence of both frequent exertion and frequent standing at work was among those in the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting industry group; by occupation, the highest prevalence was among those in the construction and extraction occupation group. Large differences among industry and occupation groups were found with regard to these ergonomic hazards, suggesting a need for targeted interventions designed to reduce workplace exposure.”
CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
: “Frequent Exertion and Frequent Standing at Work, by Industry and Occupation Group—United States, 2015
” (January 2018).
NIOSH Science Blog
: “Frequent Exertion and Frequent Standing Among U.S. Workers
” (January 2018).Tap on the graphic to open a larger version in your browser.
In August, The Knoxville News Sentinel reported that a student intern and a researcher at Oak Ridge Associated Universities had devised an experiment to replicate the McCluskey incident in order to study the effects of radiation on the body. By irradiating vials of their own blood for different lengths of time, the researchers hope to generate data that clinicians and first responders can refer to following an exposure incident.
Read more from the News Sentinel.