Local Health Board in Wisconsin Declares Wind Turbine Noise a Health Hazard

In October, the Brown County, Wisconsin Board of Health issued a declaration that a local industrial wind plant is a human health hazard due to infrasound and low-frequency noise emanating from its turbines, several news organizations reported. Capcon, a publication of the Michigan-based Mackinac Center for Public Policy, described the ruling as likely the first of its kind in the U.S.

According to Capcon, the Board based its ruling on a year-long survey that documented health complaints from residents living within a six-mile radius of the Shirley Wind Farm, which is operated by Duke Energy. Statements made by Board members to Capcon and the Green Bay Press Gazette indicated uncertainty about next steps in what is likely to become a legal proceeding. A spokeswoman for Duke Energy told Capcon that none of its other wind farm facilities has generated health complaints.
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