is president of AIHA and safety and occupational
health manager for federal and state operations at OSHA.
She can be reached at
or (720) 264-6572
For 75 years, AIHA has proven to be the primary resource in IH/OH education. How we’ve achieved and maintained this hard-won reputation is no secret: we listen attentively, we ask lots of questions, and we constantly alter, tune, and tweak. And no one project or endeavor illustrates our embrace of constant evolution and steady progress better than AIHce.
The best conference for IH/OH and EHS professionals continually gets even better because of our willingness to try new things. Longtime conference-goers will notice that some of the changes we’ve made for AIHce 2015 in Salt Lake City are bolder than those of previous years. Elsewhere in this issue you’ll find a full summary of all that’s in store at AIHce 2015. In this space, I want to draw your attention to a few things that I find particularly exciting—and I think you will, too.
While AIHce’s core value will always be the quality, depth, and breadth of its education, the conference gives us an opportunity to celebrate, together, all that we’ve achieved as a profession. Our work is deeply serious and important—and that’s all the more reason why we should honor it by kicking off AIHce with its first-ever Welcome Party on Sunday, May 31.
The Welcome Party promises to be unlike any previous AIHce party you might have attended. We’ve carefully guarded the details surrounding the Welcome Party, because we want you to be surprised and entertained in equal measure. All I’m prepared to tell you now is that the Welcome Party will feature food, drinks, and live music, and it will be held outdoors in downtown Salt Lake City. I hope you can join us for what promises to be the start of a grand AIHce tradition.
You’ll find more information about this year’s education program in "Salt Lake Sneak Peek," but I want to specifically mention three sessions that address the issue of Ebola.
What’s New at AIHce
On Saturday, May 30, a new half-day professional development course, “Preventing Worker Exposure to Ebola and Emerging Infectious Diseases,” will analyze shortcomings in worker health protection during the crisis, review PPE protocols, and suggest ways that we can collaborate with physicians and infection control practitioners. AIHA has actively promoted this PDC to the occupational health community. We look forward to their attendance and to exploring ways we can work together to protect worker health.
On Monday, June 1, “The Ebola Virus Outbreak in West Africa” will explore the reasons why the 2014 outbreak caused higher illness and death rates than previous outbreaks. And on Wednesday, June 3, “Occupational Hygiene and Safety in Africa” will place the outbreak in the context of broader work-related health and safety issues. These sessions are just a few examples of AIHce’s commitment to exploring the latest issues in worker health protection.
The Mark of Excellence Awards Breakfast grew out of our desire to better recognize the impressive individuals whose contributions to the profession are honored each year through the AIHA awards program. A list of our award winners appears on page 40.
Our awards have a long and distinguished history, and the winners represent the very best our profession has to offer. How fitting, then, that NIOSH Director John Howard will be on hand to deliver a few remarks. Dr. Howard has been a remarkable steward for NIOSH and is an outstanding choice for an event dedicated to excellence.
The Mark of Excellence Awards Breakfast will be held 7:00–9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 3. It replaces the Wednesday morning General Session. All conference attendees are invited to the breakfast, but please note that pre-registration is required. You can RSVP through the AIHce registration process.
I have only enough space to scratch the surface of what’s in store at AIHce 2015. The conference website has all the latest details, including up-to-the-minute scheduling adjustments. I hope to see you in Salt Lake City!
Longtime conference-goers will notice that some of the changes
we’ve made for AIHce 2015 in Salt Lake City are bolder
than those of previous years.