Three AIHA committees are currently seeking nominations for awards. The following awards will be presented at AIHce 2015, which will be held May 30–June 4 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
John A. Leonowich Award. The Nonionizing Radiation (NIR) Committee seeks nominations for the John A. Leonowich Award for educational excellence in NIR through March 1. The award recognizes the achievements made by current students in advancing understanding of NIR. The nomination form can be found on the NIR committee Web page. Please e-mail Bill Ringo for additional information.
Rachel Carson Award. The AIHA Environmental Issues Committee welcomes nominations for its 2015 Rachel Carson Award through Feb. 28. The award is presented to individuals who have achieved outstanding success in their EHS business, profession, or life’s work. Additional information, including the nomination form, can be found on the committee Web page. Please send nominations to Patty Beach.
Golden Seed Award. The Student and Early Career Professionals Committee seeks nominations for its 2015 Golden Seed Award through March 28. Nominees must be AIHA members who have demonstrated a commitment to promoting the IH profession among students and early career professionals. For more information, or to submit nominations, contact Thursa La.
The Golden Seed Award winner and others will be honored at the first AIHce Mark of Excellence Breakfast on Wednesday, June 3, in Salt Lake City. This signature event will celebrate the extraordinary contributions made by members and the volunteer community to the industry and the profession. Learn more on the AIHce 2015 website.
Volunteer Groups Seek Nominations for 2015 Awards
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