EPA Proposes Reporting, Recordkeeping Requirements for Nanoscale Materials in the Marketplace
For the first time, EPA is proposing to use the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) to collect exposure and health and safety information on nanoscale chemical substances already in use in the marketplace. The agency currently reviews new chemical substances that are manufactured or processed as nanomaterials for safety prior to their introduction into the marketplace. According to EPA, the proposed requirements would facilitate the agency’s evaluation of these materials. 
The agency’s proposal would require one-time reporting and recordkeeping from companies that manufacture or process chemical substances as nanoscale materials, and is intended to help the agency determine if any further action is needed under TSCA, including additional information collection. Under the proposed requirements, companies would notify EPA of production volume; methods of manufacture; processing, use, exposure, and release information; available health and safety data; and other information such as specific chemical identity.
The proposed requirements will be available for public comment through July 6, 2015. The proposed rule is available on at
For more information, see the agency’s press release or visit EPA’s Web page on the control of nanoscale materials under TSCA.