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Poster Sessions
Poster Session 2- Student
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 Author Attend Time 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Exhibit Hall AB, End of Aisle 500
Topics: Academic Track, Aerosols & Airborne Particulates, Climate Change Hazards and Risks, Communicating OEHS Concepts, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Exposure Banding/OELs, Hazard Recognition/Exposure Assessment, Indoor Environmental Quality, Noise/Hearing Loss Prevention, Respiratory Protection, Risk Assessment and Management, Safety, Sampling and Analysis, Sensor Technology
• 1546 - Emissions from Desktop Laser Cutting and Engraving of Various Common Materials
Presenter: Xinyi Niu, University of Cincinnati
• 1550 - Effect of Using Monte Carlo Simulations to Incorporate Uncertainty in Ventilation Parameters on Exposure Estimates
Presenter: Emily Huber, University of Iowa
• 1551 - Establishment of a New Method for the Determination of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Air with Impingers and Single Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (sp-ICP-MS)
Presenter: John Hsu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
• 1553 - Improvement of Response Time and Detection Limit on Beta Gauge Particulate Monitor
Presenter: Qi-Xiang Li, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
• 1554 - Development and Testing of a Breath-Responsive Personal Exhaled Breath Aerosol Receiver (BR-PEBAR)
Presenter: Ruei-Chun Lin, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
• 1555 - Efficacy of Different Types of Masks in Protecting the Environment and Individual
Presenter: Hsiao Chi Cheng. National Taiwan University, Taiwan
• 1556 - Experimental Study on Optimum CADR Filter Thickness of Air Purifiers
Presenter: Pei-Yao Tsai, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
• 1559 - Cold Spray Powder Emissions in a Laboratory Setting
Presenter: Bailley Reggetz, West Virginia University
• 1563 - Radiological Decontamination Methodologies on Litter-Bound Patients in Arctic Environments and the Associated Airborne Risks Posed to First Responders
Presenter: Juan Alb, Air Force Institute of Technology
•1564 - Risk of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Exposure from Almond Agricultural Waste Burns
Presenter: Cynthia Torres, University of California Berkeley, School of Public Health
•1566 - Development of a New Sampler Utilizing Dry and Wet Impactors to Capture Bioaerosols into the Liquid Media
Presenter: Subin Han, Purdue University
• 1567 - Developing a Comprehensive Researcher Health and Safety Survey
Presenter: Anupon Tadee, University of Michigan
• 1568 - Assessing the Impact of Carpet Cleaning Activities on Indoor Air Quality in an Office Environment
Presenter: Xinyi Niu, University of Cincinnati
• 1570 - The Impact of Body Cooling on Perceived Heat Strain and Productivity
Presenter: Cecilia Kaufman, Xinyi Niu, University of Cincinnati
•1572 - Assessing the Effect of Welding Helmets on Welders - Exposure to Welding Fumes
Presenter: Chang Geun Lee, Purdue University
• 1574 - Environmental Factors Improving Inhalation Exposure Assessments
Presenter: Ryan Bellacov, University of Cincinnati
• 1578 - Association between Lifetime Hand-Arm Vibration (HAV) Exposure and Finger Blood Flow (FBF) among Grounds Maintenance Industry Workers in Southeastern US
Presenter: Nathan Chen, University of Alabama at Birmingham
• 1581 - Evaluating Interventions for Indoor Air Quality and Teachers - Absenteeism in Winter: A Randomized Controlled Experiment in Early Childhood Education Centers
Presenter: Mingze Zhu, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences
• 1584 - Performance of a Low-Cost Particulate Matter Sensor in a Swine Barn
Presenter: Holly Rowland, University of Iowa
• 1586 - Assessing the Impact of Environmental Factors on the Low-Cost PM2.5 Monitors Performance by Comparing the Pre- and Post-Calibration
Presenter: Runcheng Fang, University of Utah
•1587 - Seasonal Noise Exposure of University Groundskeepers
Presenter: Michael Jeffery, University of Toledo
• 1589 - Risk Assessment in the Aerospace Testing Industry
Presenter: Andy Lau, University of California, Los Angeles
• 1592 - Predictors of Serum PFOS Levels in Arizona Firefighters
Presenter: Regan Conner, Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health
• 1595 - Examining the Predictive Potential of the SDM 2.0 for Chemical Concentrations and Exposure Control Categories through Comparative Analysis with Data from a Semi-Conductor Industry Manufacturer
Presenter: Lauren Sherman, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
• 1596 - Defining Optimal Buffer Conditions for Skin Absorption Studies on Inorganic Pb
Presenter: Efosa Obariase, University of Cincinnati
• 1598 - Evaluating PM2.5 in a Rural Community
Presenter: Brittney Vetter, Purdue University
• 1603 - Incidence of Reportable Exertional Heat Illness during Deepwater Horizon Cleanup
Presenter: Fisher Morris, University of South Florida
• 1605 - Assessing Health Risks Associated with Roadside Worker Exposure to Traffic-Related Aerosol
Presenter: Lucy Watson-Cook, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Public Health
• 1606 - Mobile Monitoring of Community Air Quality in Southwest Chicago
Presenter: Blessing Audu, University of Illinois at Chicago
• 1607 - Compressor Station Noise Exposure Levels
Presenter: Alexandra Specht, University of Toledo
• 1608 - Evaluation of Noise and Vibration Exposure in Automotive Shops
Presenter: Damyan Popov, University of Central Missouri
• 1609 - Estimating and Evaluating the Time-varying Generation Rate of Peracetic Acid (PAA) for Use in Exposure Modeling
Presenter: Ryan Hines, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
• 1611 - Assessment of Lead in Drinking Water Available on Campus
Presenter: Hashmathara Jabbar, University of Illinois at Chicago, Education Research Center
• 1612 - Development of a Dual-Air Purifying Respirator: Evaluating the Performance of Activated Carbon Fiber for Filtration Efficiency and VOC Adsorption
Presenter: Megan McMahan, University of Alabama at Birmingham
• 1613 - Determining the Effectiveness of Commercially Available Dry Methods for Decontamination of Litter Bound Patients of Biological Aerosols in Artic Environments
Presenter: Clayton Garner, Air Force Institute of Technology
• 1614 - Validating the Collection Efficiency of a Novel Virtual Impactor
Presenter: Adepeju Adesina, University of Minnesota
• 1615 - Investigation into the University Avenue Sanitary Sewer Explosion
Presenter: Caylin Crawford, University of Minnesota
• 1617 - Exposure Modeling Selection: Comparison of the extended WMR and NF-FF Models Using Probabilistic Modeling Simulation Studies
Presenter: Ryan Hines, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
• 1618 - ANSI/ASSP A10.50-2024 - Heat Stress in Construction - A First Look
Presenter: Nicholas Caravello, Northern Illinois University
• 1622 - Extreme Heat Events and Occupational Illness 2000-2019
Presenter: Jeff Dalhoff, University of Maryland
• 1623 - Analytical Durability of Buckypaper Sorbents Across Multiple PhotoThermal Desorption Cycles
Presenter: David Bolade, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences
• 1624 - Adsorption Capacity of Buckypapers for the Assessment of VOC Exposures
Presenter: David Bolade, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences
For authors, and full details, please check the AIHA Connect website or mobile app.