January JOEH Lineup
The January issue of the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (JOEH) features the following articles:
- Evaluation of Minnesota and Illinois Hospital Respiratory Protection Programs and Healthcare Worker Respirator Use
- Exposure Controls for Nanomaterials at Three Manufacturing Sites
- Environmental Relative Moldiness Index and Associations with Home Characteristics and Infant Wheeze
- Particle Size Distributions of Particulate Emissions from the Ferroalloy Industry Evaluated by Electrical Low Pressure Impactor (ELPI)
- Enhanced Performance of Methamphetamine Lateral Flow Cassettes Using an Electronic Lateral Flow Reader
- Occupational Exposure Assessment of Highway Toll Station Workers to Vehicle Engine Exhaust
- Subjective Evaluation of Physical and Mental Workload Interactions across Different Muscle Groups
AIHA members can access the full texts of JOEH articles through the AIHA Member Center, as well as the full-text archives of AIHA journals from 1940 to 2003. Full-text archives of Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene from 1986 to 2003 are also available.
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