MAY 22–24
For a full list of co-authors and detailed abstracts, see the AIHce EXP 2023 website.
Poster Session 1
Monday, May 22
Author Attend Time
11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
Level Two
Topics: Aerosols and Airborne Particulates, Engineering Controls and Ventilation, Indoor Environmental Quality/Indoor Air Quality
1065 - Reducing Exposure to Weld Fume in a Mine Site Boilermakers Workshop
Presenter: Andy McCarthy, Rio Tinto
1101 - Asbestos Fiber Length and Width Measurement Between Manual and Semiautomated Software
Presenter: Taekhee Lee, CDC/NIOSH
1107 - Revisiting Asbestos Fiber Exposure Science
Presenter: Ryan Lewis, Benchmark Risk Group
1123 - Silica Exposure Among Fabrication Workers for Natural and Engineered Stone
Presenter: Allison Persing, RHP Risk Management
1174 - Particulate Analysis Between Different Stone Fabrication Processes
Presenter: Berkley Wood, RHP Risk Management
1200 - Evaluation of Local Ventilation System to Mitigate Cashier Exposure to Airborne Particles in Retail Stores
Presenter: Taekhee Lee, CDC/NIOSH
1359 - The Indoor Air Quality of a Bakery Training Center in a Psychiatric Center
Presenter: Yu-Wen Lin, Fu Jen Catholic University
1421 - Assessment of LEED Green Building Certification for Workplace Environment Categories
Presenter: Jan Koehn, Jan Koehn. Inc.
1448 - Comparison of Air Cleaning Technology in School Room Ventilation Systems
Presenter: Daniel Ginsborg, Executive Environmental
Poster Session 2 - Student
Monday, May 23
Author Attend Time
3:15 p.m.–4:15 p.m.
Level Two (225-227 hallway)
1511 - Simultaneous Rapid Monitoring of ATP Bioluminescence and Concentration of Airborne Particulate Matter
Presenter: Jaeho Oh, Yonsel University
1559 - Violence Risk Screening at the Time of Triage in an Adult Emergency Department
Presenter: Jaclyn Sesso, University of Maryland School of Nursing
1562 - An Indoor Air Quality Intervention Pilot Project: Comparing Pre and Post Home Renovation Levels of PM2.5 and Radon in Salt Lake County Homes
Presenter: Chandler Cottam, University of Utah
1568 - Investigating Antineoplastic Drug Contamination in Veterinary Canine Patients by LC–SRM–MS/MS
Presenter: Andrew Floeder, University of Minnesota
1571 - Evaluating Particulate Matter Levels Surrounding a Steel Recycling Facility
Presenter: Kenneth Burnell, Purdue University
1576 - Obstructing the Right To Know: An Analysis of the Chemical Industry’s Health Hazard Warnings on Safety Data Sheets
Presenter: Peter Raynor, University of Minnesota
1577 - The Effects of Residual Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on the Hematological Profile of Firefighters
Presenter: Mingze Zhu, University of Oklahoma Health Science Centers
1581 - Development of a Bioaerosol Sampler Combined with a Latex Agglutination Kit for Rapid Detection of Airborne Legionella
Presenter: Subin Han, Purdue University
1585 - Effects of Occupationally Military-Relevant Particle Mixtures (SiO2, CdO, Cr2O3) on A549 Human Pulmonary Epithelial Cells
Presenter: Isabella Muffoletto, Air Force Institute of Technology
1587 - Effects of Chronic Heat Stress and Shift Work on Postural Stability in Firefighters: a Pilot Study
Presenter: Rachel Zeiler, University of Cincinnati
1588 - Aerosol and Surface Contamination Assessment of a Novel Ventilated Infectious Aerosol Containment Device
Presenter: Runcheng Fang, University of Utah
1589 - Investigation of Mask Protection Efficiency and Associated Respiratory Deposition in Occupational Aerosol Exposure for Dental Hygienists
Presenter: Ambereen Khan, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
1592 - Utilizing the System Engineering Design Process to Analyze Patient Aeromedical Evacuation to Design and Test a Low-Cost Infectious Aerosol Control Mechanism
Presenter: Sara Shaghaghi, Air Force Institute of Technology
1595 - Routine Elastomeric Use and Evaluations in Healthcare (REUSE): Perspectives of Focus Group Members on Implementing a Reusable Respirator
Presenter: Beza Sahlie, Wayne State University School of Medicine
1596 - Routine Elastomeric USe and Evaluations in Healthcare (REUSE): Use Barriers in a Three-Month Follow-up Study at Sinai-Grace Hospital, Detroit Medical Center
Presenter: Preti Chowdhury, Wayne State University School of Medicine
1597 - The Use of Low-Cost Sensing (LCS) Devices to Assess the Indoor Air Quality in a Household
Presenter: Yu-Kang Liu, National Taiwan University
1601 - Development of a Field Method for Measuring Tetrachlorethylene (PCE)
Presenter: Jung Hyun Lee, Purdue University
1602 - Literature Review of Nanosized Particle Exposure
Presenter: Brittney Vetter, Purdue University
1603 - Evaluation of a Modified REDON Fit Test Protocol for Full Facepiece Respirators Using the OHD Quantifit®
Presenter: Sabrina Stout, University of North Alabama
1604 - Evaluation of a Shortened REDON Fit Test Protocol for Full Facepiece Respirators Using the OHD Quantifit®
Presenter: Victoria Rollins, University of North Alabama
1605 - Occupational Exposure to Hand-arm Vibration (HAV) in US Groundskeepers
Presenter: Nathan Chen, University of Alabama at Birmingham
1607 - Evaluation of Hand-transmitted Vibration (HTV) and Noise Exposure from Electric-powered Grounds Maintenance Equipment
Presenter: Seunghyeon Yang, University of Alabama at Birmingham
1616 - Identifying Heavy Metal Toxins in Museum Collections: Prioritizing Community
Presenter: Abbi Williams, Purdue University
1619 - Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde in the Field of Historical Collections
Presenter: Abbi Williams, Purdue University
1622 - Misperceiving Workplace Exposures: Examining Hazard Perceptions of Workers’ Personal Exposures to Noise
Presenter: Abas Shkembi, University of Michigan
1624 - The Evaluation of Two Pesticide Samplers & Exposure Assessment of Iowa Pesticide Applicators
Presenter: Spencer Baker, University of Iowa
1625 - Comparison of Performance in Removing Submicrometer Particles between Kitchen Hoods by Using a Systematic Measurement Test
Presenter: I-Hsuan Tsai, National Taiwan University
1626 - Review of Cross-sectional Studies of Pesticide Applicator Habits and Health Outcomes
Presenter: Dorothy Nguyen, University of California, Los Angeles
1627 - Characterizing Air Pollution Exposure Between Urban and Rural Occupations in South Central Uganda
Presenter: Sophia Le, Johns Hopkins University
1628 - A Comparison of Ambient Air Ethylene Oxide Modeling Estimates to those Modeled from Canister-based Ambient Air Measurements
Presenter: Skyler Spooner, University of Utah
1629 - Swimming Pool Cleaner Occupational Hazard Review
Presenter: Thomas Mackey, University of California, Los Angeles
1630 - Comparison of Metal Compositions of Respirable Particles and Nanoparticles in Mild Steel, Aluminum, and Stainless-Steel Welding Fumes
Presenter: Chang Geun Lee, Purdue University
1632 - Size Selective Field Analysis of Metallic Aerosols
Presenter: Johnathan Klicker-Wiechmann, Purdue University
1634 - Dual-Air Purifying Respirator Development: Fabrication and Testing of Wet-Laid Activated Carbon Fiber Sorbent
Presenter: David McMahan, University of Alabama at Birmingham
1635 - Promoting Commercial Building Energy Efficiency and a Healthy Indoor Environment: A Review of Industrial Hygiene Practices and Strategies
Presenter: Hector Solis, University of California, Los Angeles
1637 - Physical Ergonomic Intervention to Address Lower Back Musculoskeletal Pains Among Environmental Health and Safety Technicians
Presenter: Tolu Solomon, University of Illinois at Chicago
Poster Session 3 - Professional
Tuesday, May 23
Author Attend Time
11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
Level Two
Topics: Chemical Hazards, Hazard Recognition/Exposure Assessment Noise/Hearing Loss Prevention, Radiation (Ionizing and Nonionizing), Respiratory Protection
1155 - Health Risks of Radiofrequency Emissions From Distributed Antenna Systems Presenter: Robert Adams, Ramboll 1159 - Quantitative Comparison of Occupational and End-Product User Exposures to Cosmetic-Grade Talc Dust Presenter: Cha-Chen Fung, CTEH 1207 - Exposure Assessment to Flour Dust and Effectiveness of Control Measures Presenter: Mariella Carrieri, University of Padua 1314 - Development and Application of a Modified Procedure for Quantitative Fit Testing of Disposable Masks and Respirators Presenter: Tsvetan Popov. University of Central Missouri 1379 - Suspect Screening Analysis by Response Modeling for Environmental Contaminants Presenter: Ho-Han Chen, National Taiwan University 1380 - The Dietary Intakes from the Migrations in Paper-Based Food Packaging Presenter: Szu-Yu Lin, National Taiwan University 1384 - Assessing Dermal Exposures of Organic UV Filters from Personal Care Products by Using Vertical Diffusion Cell Presenter: Shih-Wei Tsai, National Taiwan University 1401 - Noise Exposure of Facilities Services Personnel in a Large Urban Hospital Presenter: Anca Bejan, Seattle Children’s 1406 - Exposure to Benzene in Personal Care Products Presenter: Michael Holton, Ramboll 1424 - Industrial Hygiene, Indoor Air Quality Investigations, and Microbial Monitoring with Assessment of Outlined Facility Areas Requiring Appropriate Surface Cleaning and Treatment Employing Proper Exposure Controls Within Special Zoo Facility Environments in Texas Presenter: Jan Koehn, Jan Koehn. Inc.
1155 - Health Risks of Radiofrequency Emissions From Distributed Antenna Systems Presenter: Robert Adams, Ramboll 1159 - Quantitative Comparison of Occupational and End-Product User Exposures to Cosmetic-Grade Talc Dust Presenter: Cha-Chen Fung, CTEH 1207 - Exposure Assessment to Flour Dust and Effectiveness of Control Measures Presenter: Mariella Carrieri, University of Padua 1314 - Development and Application of a Modified Procedure for Quantitative Fit Testing of Disposable Masks and Respirators Presenter: Tsvetan Popov. University of Central Missouri 1379 - Suspect Screening Analysis by Response Modeling for Environmental Contaminants Presenter: Ho-Han Chen, National Taiwan University 1380 - The Dietary Intakes from the Migrations in Paper-Based Food Packaging Presenter: Szu-Yu Lin, National Taiwan University 1384 - Assessing Dermal Exposures of Organic UV Filters from Personal Care Products by Using Vertical Diffusion Cell Presenter: Shih-Wei Tsai, National Taiwan University 1401 - Noise Exposure of Facilities Services Personnel in a Large Urban Hospital Presenter: Anca Bejan, Seattle Children’s 1406 - Exposure to Benzene in Personal Care Products Presenter: Michael Holton, Ramboll 1424 - Industrial Hygiene, Indoor Air Quality Investigations, and Microbial Monitoring with Assessment of Outlined Facility Areas Requiring Appropriate Surface Cleaning and Treatment Employing Proper Exposure Controls Within Special Zoo Facility Environments in Texas Presenter: Jan Koehn, Jan Koehn. Inc.