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MAY 24–26
AIHA® Fellows
The AIHA Fellows designation recognizes those who are AIHA members in good standing, have 15 years of continuous Full membership, and have made recognized contributions to industrial hygiene or related disciplines, either through research, leadership, publications, education, or service to AIHA. Fellows are nominated by an AIHA local section, special interest group, committee, or peers. The Fellow designation is limited to no more than five percent of the membership.
Daniel H. Anna, PhD, CIH, CPS, FAIHA Nominated by Cheryl DuBois, CIH

Dr. Daniel Anna has been a member of the AIHA since 1992 and has been an active supporter of the association and the industrial hygiene profession throughout this career. Dan has demonstrated his commitment with his 10 years on the AIHA board including his 2015-2016 term as president. In addition to holding these AIHA offices, Dan also served as the editor for the third edition of the AIHA publication, “The Occupational Environment—Its Evaluation, Control, and Management,” and is currently serving as editor for the fourth edition. Dan also demonstrated his commitment and engagement to the profession through his service on the Protective Clothing and Equipment Committee and through his local AIHA sections. Dan has impacted and inspired the lives of many industrial hygienists through is nearly 15 years of teaching at Millersville University and now at Johns Hopkins. In addition to his teaching at the college level, Dan has been an active presenter and writer of industrial hygiene topics in a variety of settings. Dr. Anna has been a dedicated industrial hygiene professional who has clearly demonstrated his commitment to the profession, leadership, the AIHA, and the future of the profession.
Curtis W. Hintz, CIH, CSP, FAIHA Nominated by Cheryl DuBois on behalf of the AIHA Protective Clothing and Equipment Committee Curtis has been a CIH since 1988 and a CSP since 1993. He has been a current and active member of AIHA for over 35 years. Throughout that time, Curtis has been actively supporting both local and national AIHA work including AIHF, officer and volunteer committee involvement as detailed in his resume and other parts of this application. Additionally, Curtis has been a technical and management leader for his employer, the Dow Chemical Company, for 24 years. In his most recent role, he served as the corporate SME for PPE and respiratory protection. Furthermore, Curtis has been actively contributing to education within the IH profession for well over a decade in the form of PDCs and presentations at the AIHce, Synergist articles and his Protective Clothing and Equipment Committee participation. In addition to his teaching at the college level, Dan has been an active presenter and writer of industrial hygiene topics in a variety of settings. Dr. Anna has been a dedicated industrial hygiene professional who has clearly demonstrated his commitment to the profession, leadership, the AIHA, and the future of the profession.
David P. Kelly, FAIHA Nominated by Robert Nocco, MS, DABT, CIH, CSP, RRPT on behalf of the AIHA Emergency Response and Planning Committee Dave’s story is inspiring—he is a silent giant, plugging away on contributing over the decades to good science that has been applied to the larger OEHS space. Something he continues to do to this day well into his senior years—as he approaches 80 years of age, Dave is a current active prolific contributor to the ERPC.
Working his way up through the ranks starting as a research laboratory technician back in 1961 and then as a clinical laboratory technician while serving his country in the US Army during the Vietnam era, Dave found his calling in toxicology. These early career experiences peaked Dave’s interest in chemistry and toxicology, and he pursue academic training in these areas while holding a job and raising a family.
On the heels of Union Carbide Company’s Bhopal, India tragic, catastrophic release incident in 1984, Dave’s employer, DuPont, called upon him to participate in an industry- and government-related response initiative to address preventive response measure here in the US. Dave was well-suited for this because his expertise as an inhalation toxicologist and his commitment to sound science.
Dave has served the OEHS profession for over 50 years. His contributions are significant. He is a silent giant in developing and applying emergency response exposure values. He is a thought leader in applying sound scientific, health-based, and evidence-based toxicological principles. Dave is a role model who has paved the way for future generations of OEHS professional.