MAY 22–24
Monday, May 22
8:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m. MT
Dr. Poppy Crum
Optimizing Human Performance Through Technology
Dr. Crum will explore the human and consumer applications of rapidly-advancing technology. Ticking through the many ways smart technology will improve our lives in years to come, she will paint a picture of a future society where companies better understand how customers experience their individual worlds to provide them with products that match their specific needs, where doctors more quickly diagnose and treat patients, where our brains evolve to see at the same resolution as computers, and where the human capacity for knowledge is expanded exponentially. While we are building a technology-enabled future where human capacity and performance is turbo-charged, Dr. Crum argues that technology will not replace human interactions and experiences, but rather make them better than we could ever imagine. This session will be broadcast for Virtual AIHce EXP and included in OnDemand.
Opening Session and coffee sponsored by