CIH Exam Prep

$950 | MEMBER
$1,250 | NON-MBR
CIH Crash Course
Preparing to take the Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) exam is a huge step towards career advancement. This online CIH review course is designed to help exam applicants focus their studies on the key areas they need to know and has been recently updated to reflect the current CIH exam.
Stock # EL20-CIHCRASH | 24 Contact Hours

$460 | MEMBER
$600 | NON-MBR
EIH III: Case Studies in the Application of Industrial Hygiene Control Methods
This course contains sixty case studies on IH control principles involving the application of engineering and administrative controls for both industrial and IAQ-type problems.
Stock #: BIHS02-551_WEBFS | 40 Contact Hours

$325 | MEMBER
$425 | NON-MBR
Fundamentals of Toxicology Online Course
This introductory-level course reviews toxicology fundamentals through the lens of occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) and includes examples and a detailed, interactive case study to expand on course concepts. This course will help learners feel more comfortable with key topics in toxicology so they can apply these newly gained skills to occupational health issues in their workplace, their developing consulting practice, or to their upcoming CIH Exam.
Stock #: EL24-01TOX | 3.5 Contact Hours

$460 | MEMBER
$600 | NON-MBR
Developing and Maintaining a Laboratory Quality Management System
This course is designed to introduce the student to the topics essential to a well-designed laboratory quality system that is compliant with ISO/IEC 17025 and accreditation program requirements like AIHA Laboratory Accreditation Programs (AIHA LAP, LLC).
Stock #: LABQAQC_v2020 | 40 Contact Hours

$460 | MEMBER
$600 | NON-MBR
EIH II: Practical Applications of OEHS Math
This comprehensive course is intended for individuals seeking a comprehensive review of math used in the OEHS profession.
Stock #: BIHS04-623_WEBFS | 40 Contact Hours

$549 | MEMBER
$849 | NON-MBR
SDS & Label Authoring Course
This self-study course will assist hazard communication professionals in learning how to author Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and labels for hazardous products, with a heavy focus on categorizing hazardous products under the Globally Harmonized System (GHS). Addressing both the knowledge and skills required for proficient SDS and label authoring as defined by the SDS and Label Authoring Registry Competency Framework, this course makes an excellent addition to your preparation strategy for AIHA Registry Programs’ SDS and Label Authoring Registry competency assessment.
Stock #: SDSLabel23 | 16 Contact Hours