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Certificate Programs
$300 | MEMBER
$350 | NON-MBR
Use of Direct Reading Instruments Certificate Program
This course, based on the AIHA Technical Framework: Guidance on Use of Direct Reading Instruments, asserts the importance of using Direct Reading Instruments (DRIs) frequently and correctly while educating DRI users on the foundational knowledge they need to improve their DRI proficiency.
Stock #: EL22-01 | 4 Contact Hours
$350 | MEMBER
$450 | NON-MBR
Occupational Exposure Assessment Certificate Program
This certificate program provides education on the core knowledge elements of the industrial hygiene process in harmony with the convention of Anticipate, Recognize, Evaluate, Control, and Confirm (ARECC). Participants are provided with a PDF copy of A Strategy for Assessing and Managing Occupational Exposures, 4th edition.
Stock #: EL19-OEA | 4 Contact Hours