CIH Exam Prep

$67.50 | MEMBER
$87.75 | NON-MBR
Burton Field Guide for Industrial Hygiene, 2nd edition
By D. Jeff Burton
Raw technical data from an engineering perspective makes Jeff Burton’s Field Guide a uniquely useful tool. Presented in a concise, handy format, this guide contains everything you need to know on common industrial gases and chemicals and provides checklists for exhaust fan maintenance, indoor air contaminant sources, and much more. Chapters include terms, equations, monographs, and charts and cover thermal conditions, ergonomics, PPE and respirators, standards and guidelines, and sound and noise.
Stock #: BIHF21-491 | Softcover

$98.75 | MEMBER
$128.38 | NON-MBR
Case Studies: Sixty Practical Applications of OH&S Control Principles
By D. Jeff Burton
This comprehensive workbook contains sixty useful case studies derived from the 40-year career of D. Jeff Burton. It includes a diverse mix of IH problems and describes how they were recognized, evaluated, and successfully controlled. The text is set in a detective story style and encourages the reader to think about how to proceed by considering the following questions: What is the problem? What is the likely cause or source? What information should be gathered next? What analytical techniques should be used? What controls might be applied? Where do we go from here? Detailed answers to all questions are provided in each case study.
Stock #: ICSW17-789 | 337 pp | Softcover

$118.75 | MEMBER
$154.38 | NON-MBR
Industrial Hygiene Reference & Study Guide, 4th edition
Edited by Carter B. Ficklen, III
This comprehensive tool is the ultimate quick reference that OEHS professionals can use in their day-to-day business and is a must-have for all students and those planning to take certification exams. From toxicology and radiation to ventilation and noise, this desktop reference summarizes the key information for all industrial hygiene rubrics.
Stock #: BIHS19-708 | 286 pp | Softcover

$98.75 | MEMBER
$128.38 | NON-MBR
IAQ and HVAC Workbook, 4th edition
By D. Jeff Burton
Written in simple, understandable terms, the IAQ and HVAC Workbook’s 25 chapters provide an overview of IAQ issues, investigation techniques, management of IAQ, management control strategies, air contaminants, and how building air handling systems work. Additionally, air behavior and principles of ventilation, fans, air intakes, HVAC ductwork, testing, commissioning, and troubleshooting HVAC systems are discussed. Readers will learn how to review plans and specifications and apply the latest version of ASHRAE 62, standards, and codes.
Stock #: IVES17-690 | 300 pp | Softcover

$98.75 | MEMBER
$128.38 | NON-MBR
Industrial Hygiene Workbook: The Occupational Health Sciences, 6th edition
By D. Jeff Burton
This workbook contains copious facts and information about the occupational health sciences in 26 sections. Updated regularly, its contents include IH history, math and statistics, management chemistry, physiology and anatomy, toxicology, occupational medicine, laws, codes, standards, air sampling, methods of control, ventilation, respiratory protection, PPE, IAQ, air pollution, ergonomics, heat and cold stress, noise, radiation, safety, and more. Each chapter provides a short overview of the topic, a list of facts and concepts to know, calculation procedures, and examples. The final section provides 800+ multiple-choice questions to test knowledge and help the reader prepare for exams.
Stock #: IIHW17-787 | 337 pp | Softcover

$98.75 | MEMBER
$128.38 | NON-MBR
Industrial Ventilation Workbook, 7th edition
By D. Jeff Burton
This classic self-study workbook is revised and updated regularly. This publication takes the reader from introductory concepts through advanced materials in 21 chapters. In a reader-friendly format, the book concentrates on practical applications. An appendix containing forty charts, forms, and graphs is keyed to the text. Written for OH&S professionals and IH engineers, the workbook is an excellent companion to the ACGIH Vent Manual and college textbooks. Home-study courses based on the book are available from the author.
Stock #: IVEW17-786 | 266 pp | Softcover

$98.75 | MEMBER
$128.38 | NON-MBR
Laboratory Ventilation Guidebook, 2nd edition
By D. Jeff Burton
The Laboratory Ventilation Guidebook, 2nd edition, describes typical lab hood exhaust systems and associated HVAC systems. Specific topics include testing methods and procedures, hood approval methods (e.g., ANSI, ASHRAE, EPA), standards such as ANSI Z9.5 and NFPA 45, good work practices, and performance factors and their application. Additionally, model lab ventilation programs, use of real-time monitors, VAV systems, and general information on air handling, dilution, and exhaust systems are discussed. This Guidebook also provides numerous charts, forms, checklists, a glossary, and the index.
Stock #: LVEW17-785 | 232 pp | Softcover
$286.25 | MEMBER
$372.13 | NON-MBR
$150 | STUDENT
The Occupational Environment: Its Evaluation, Control, and Management, 3rd edition
(Vol. 1 & 2)
Edited by Daniel H. Anna, PhD, CIH, CSP
This popular AIHA publication remains an essential core reference for occupational health and safety practitioners, educators, and students. The two-volume third edition includes comprehensive information on hazard recognition and evaluation, physical agents, the human environment, controlling the occupational environment, program management, and much more. The chapters in Volume 1 focus on chemical aspects, air monitoring, and exposure and risk assessment strategies. Volume 2 includes content related to physical hazards, control methods, and management aspects.
Stock #: BIHT10-566 | Softcover
$150 | MEMBER
$195 | NON-MBR
Toxicology Principles for the Industrial Hygienist, 2nd edition
Edited by William E. Luttrell, Kenneth R. Still,
Jeffrey A. Church, and Leslie A. Beyer
AIHA’s Toxicology Principles for the Industrial Hygienist, the most comprehensive toxicology reference, is written by industry experts specifically for the industrial hygienist. Emphasis is on basic principles and case studies that relate to the working environment. This book is recommended as a classroom text as well as a professional resource.
Its 45 chapters provide thorough discussions of Understanding Toxicology, Sites of Action of Chemicals Found in the Workplace, Chemical Group Toxicology, Application of Toxicological Information, and Sources of Toxicological Information.
Stock #: BTOR19-738 | 653 pp | Softcover
$98.75 | MEMBER
$128.38 | NON-MBR
Useful Equations: Practical Applications of OH&S Math, 3rd edition
By D. Jeff Burton
This workbook shows how to apply 140+ OH&S-related equations to the real world of occupational health and safety. Sixteen major section topics include math, general sciences, cost estimating, general IH, statistics, local exhaust ventilation, dilution ventilation, ductwork, hoods, fans, stacks, IAQ, thermal stress, sound and noise, and radiation. Each of the 84 subsections presents sample problems and mini case studies. The appendix provides indices, conversion factors, constants, and charts.
Stock #: IVEW17-788 | 224 pp | Softcover