ABIH Seeks Nominations for Two New Directors
The American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH) is scheduled to elect two new directors this fall. These directors will take office at the conclusion of the October 2015 board meeting. The term of office is four years. The ABIH board of directors holds three in-person board meetings per year, which are usually held on weekends to avoid conflicts with work. The board also holds nine one-hour conference calls. Expenses related to board travel are covered by ABIH. 
If you are a CIH or CAIH and would like to be considered for a director position, please visit the ABIH website. The deadline for submissions is June 15. Questions about the election process can be directed to or (517) 321-2638.
Since 1960, ABIH has been the world’s largest organization for certifying professionals in the practice of industrial hygiene. ABIH administers the Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) credential, and its mission is that the CIH is globally recognized as the premier standard of professional competence in industrial hygiene and occupational health and safety.