DINA M. SIEGEL, CIH, CSP, FAIHA, is semi-retired and is currently a guest scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where she worked for 25 years in a variety of management and contributor roles. Her previous experience included OEHS for federal, contractor, and consultant firms.
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Making Connections
One of the most important AIHA events is our annual conference, now called AIHA Connect. I have been to many AIHA conferences over the years, and each conference never fails to further ignite my passion for learning even more about OEHS. I am always impressed by the quality of presentations, posters, professional development opportunities, vendors, and networking opportunities that are available during the conference. AIHA Connect 2024 will be here before we know it. Here are seven observations to help you get ready for Columbus:
1. Opening keynoter Samuel Ramsey is a can’t-miss speaker. Dr. Sammy, as he’s known, is an expert at communicating and generating excitement about science—and those are skills we could all learn from. He’s among the most impressive researchers in his field, and as one of only a few African Americans to earn a PhD in entomology, he has an inspiring personal story as well.
2. The Human Capital/ESG track will debut in Columbus. Recent trends in ESG (environment, social, and governance) programs continue to drive positive change in OEHS. At AIHA Connect, attendees will have 11 ESG sessions and two professional development courses to select from. Other tracks include Big Data and sensor technology, climate change hazards and risks, communicating OEHS concepts, laboratory sampling and testing, and serving the changing workforce. In addition, as usual, we’ve scheduled an academic track which features the latest developments in OEHS research.
3. The virtual program continues to be a great option. One of the things that separates AIHA Connect from other conferences is our robust virtual program. We’re committed to providing an excellent experience for those who can’t make it to Columbus. The virtual program is still being developed, but more sessions are being added all the time. You can use the session search page to find virtual sessions by changing the category field to “also part of the virtual program.”
Our vendors are crucial contributors to the success of our conference and welcome the opportunity to meet your OEHS needs.
4. Pop-up session proposals are due Jan 17. We’re still seeking presenters for pop-ups, which are 25-minute, interactive, educational sessions that deliver timely, targeted learning. Pop-up sessions will be held on the Expo floor. If your conference session proposal wasn’t accepted, try submitting it as a pop-up session. A worksheet is available from the conference website (.docx) to help you plan your submission. Proposals must be submitted via the AIHA Connect submissions portal.
5. Student poster proposals are due March 13. Presenting research at a major event like AIHA Connect helps students gain visibility for their research. A poster session presentation can have a major impact on a student’s career by offering opportunities to make connections with practitioners and professors. Download a poster session proposal worksheet (.docx) and submit your proposal via the portal.
6. Student presentation proposals are also due March 13. Student presentations are needed within the academic track. Keep in mind that presentations must not duplicate research from poster sessions. For help preparing your proposal, download the worksheet (.docx). Proposals must be submitted via the portal.
7. Find your next solution on the EXPO floor, including the Innovation Stations. Our vendors are crucial contributors to the success of our conference and welcome the opportunity to meet your OEHS needs. Innovation stations are designated areas in the Expo hall where vendors present products and services that may be under development or new to market. Make this a part of your Expo itinerary and get a sneak peek of cutting-edge OEHS equipment.
I look forward to seeing all of you at AIHA Connect 2024. If you see me, or another AIHA Board member, say hello! No matter your level of OEHS knowledge and experience, AIHA Connect has plenty of value to offer. Learn more on the conference website.