Fatal Occupational Injuries for 2021
In December, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released results from its annual Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, or CFOI. The release characterized workplace fatalities that occurred in 2021 according to worker demographics, types of fatal events or exposures, and occupation. Select information from the 2021 CFOI appears below. Read more in NewsWatch.
From a statement by Doug Parker, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health:
“In 2021, 5,190 workers suffered fatal work injuries, equating to one worker death in the U.S. every 101 minutes, including 653 Black workers, whose fatality rate hit an all-time high. Black and Latino workers also had fatality rates disproportionately higher than their co-workers in 2021. These are deeply troubling facts. Each of these deaths cruelly impacts these workers’ families, friends, coworkers, and communities. They are clear reminders of the important work that must be done.”
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Bureau of Labor Statistics: National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries in 2021 (PDF, December 2022).
OSHA: “Statement by Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety, Health on 2021 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries” (December 2022).