NFPA Develops Ammonium Nitrate Safety Fact Sheet
A new fact sheet published by NFPA, the National Fire Protection Association, provides information about ammonium nitrate safety for business owners and facility managers. NFPA developed the fact sheet following the August explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, that killed at least 200 people, injured thousands, and left approximately 300,000 homeless. The blast occurred when a large amount of ammonium nitrate that was improperly stored exploded near the city port. According to NFPA, properly stored ammonium nitrate poses few safety hazards but can present a “significant explosive threat” under certain conditions.
“Exposure to elements such as fire or heat can start the process of destabilizing ammonium nitrate, making it self-reactive and prone to releasing flammable and ignitable gases,” the association explains.
NFPA’s fact sheet covers topics such as increasing facility protection, detection and notification systems, and emergency response issues. The document is available in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF).