Recorded Webinar Focuses on Occupational Exposures and Pregnancy
A webinar hosted by the Scientific Liaison Coalition, or SLC, in February encouraged healthcare providers and companies to examine workplace conditions for women in their reproductive years to help prevent harmful exposures during pregnancy. On Feb. 11, presenter Richard K. Miller, PhD, of the University of Rochester covered the history of women in the workplace, relevant regulations, exposure risk assessment, and the process of working with the patient, primary healthcare provider, and her employer. According to SLC, many working women do not question their working conditions and exposures until they are pregnant. In the case of unplanned pregnancies especially, women and their healthcare providers must examine how workplace exposures will affect women’s pregnancies and their babies. Miller’s presentation, “Occupational Exposures and Pregnancy: A Balancing Act,” sought to raise awareness among working women and their providers regarding the importance of having discussions about workplace conditions at regular health visits. AIHA is a member of SLC, which is a partnership of scientific societies seeking to advance science to improve human and environmental health. More information and a recording of the webinar are available on SLC’s website.