Vice President
Donna S. Heidel, MS, CIH, FAIHA
National Practice Leader – Industrial Hygiene
Apex Companies, LLC
Rockville, Md.
We struggle to reach beyond ourselves to share our contributions in achieving healthy workplaces. Business leaders may not understand the value of the IH in assuring the health of the workforce that achieves their business goals. This struggle also influences the career paths chosen by students who desire to positively impact the health of others since they simply do not know the profession. Several recent successes provide a framework for reaching beyond ourselves to grow our profession and our influence in healthy workplaces.
The Opioids Working Group developed job-specific exposure control resources for first responders, a workforce estimated at 3 million. As a result, we will not only protect the health of these workers but also inform the first responder community about our profession. Our information hub on wildfires, our guideline for the control of Legionella in building water systems, and our participation on the Indoor Environmental Quality Global Alliance also demonstrate the value of reaching beyond our traditional industry base.
AIHA can effectively promote the value of our profession by engaging volunteers to develop exposure control solutions for emerging health hazards and supporting the widespread communication of our solutions, not simply to us but to all those potentially affected by the hazard. Students and educators will recognize the value of the profession’s contributions and choose the IH career path.
John Moore, MS, CIH, CSP
Control EHS
Atlanta, Ga.
In over 20 years I’ve served as a mentor, and been on various community and STEM-related Boards. I’ve gained a firm understanding of the lack of knowledge there is about industrial hygiene; we need to continue to have conversations about what we specialize in as it relates to the interest of employees and sustainability in the prevention and control of health hazards. AIHA should support and extend our efforts with projects like #IAMIH and other outreach initiatives, developing media and social media concepts to consistently deliver our purpose. We need to reach out to the international community as well and support our profession worldwide. Our profession is different than “safety,” but I see opportunities for AIHA to partner with other associations in expanding awareness in what we do well. We all should be mentoring and advocating our brand as the experts in IH. Our members are our strongest voices when it comes to promoting industrial hygiene. We need to continue to have proactive discussions with the stakeholders on a regular basis. We should do more with our younger members to empower them with knowledge and fundamentals to grow our footprint. We should encourage members of diverse talents and backgrounds to carry the message of the importance of industrial hygiene and how we serve to protect the public and the employees (community, businesses, and government entities).