OSHA Plans to Target Workplaces with High Injury, Illness Rates
A new OSHA inspection plan will target employers with high injury rates in both the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors for inspection. The agency’s Site-Specific Targeting 2016 Program, SST-16, will use injury and illness information submitted by employers for calendar year 2016. Under SST-16, OSHA will perform inspections of employers that the agency believes should have provided data on OSHA Form 300A, but did not, for the calendar year 2016 injury and illness data collection. For 2016, employers were required to electronically submit OSHA Form 300A by Dec. 15, 2017. SST-16 does not include construction work sites.
Based on their knowledge of a workplace, OSHA area directors have discretion under SST-16 to open either comprehensive safety or health inspections, according to an OSHA notice (PDF). Area directors may also expand the inspection to cover hazards based on previous inspection history.
Going forward, OSHA will require establishments with 250 or more employees that currently must keep OSHA injury and illness records to provide this information each year by March 2. Smaller employers in industries with historically high rates of occupational injuries and illnesses will also be required to submit injury and illness data to OSHA electronically. A list of these industries is on the OSHA website.
More information is available in OSHA’s press release.