Billy Bullock, DHSc, CIH, CSP, FAIHA Director of Industrial Hygiene CSX Transportation
AIHA can help elevate workplace health, safety, and well-being to a national conversation by engaging in high-profile issues such as natural disasters and epidemics. For example, this year AIHA proactively shared information on hazards associated with hurricane and flood responses. By leveraging AIHA committee members, we can address many of these emerging issues quickly. With major news events being discussed in both traditional media and on social media platforms, we also have a great opportunity to extend the conversation by engaging in these topics online, allowing us to raise awareness of what industrial hygiene is and the value we bring to protecting workers and the general public. Proactively sharing health and safety information with media outlets and on social media sites can help spread the information quickly to those who need it most, especially if we encourage our members to share the posts on their own channels. Working with our local sections, we can provide critical IH information at the local level. I have experience providing health and safety information to fire chiefs and LEPCs, and I find they are very interested to know more about the knowledge, skills, and abilities of IH professionals. By working at both the local and national level, we can be successful in fostering more discussion about workplace health and safety at all levels.

Dina M. Siegel, CIH, CSP, FAIHA IHS Professional Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, N.M.
AIHA has expert members who help drive AIHA’s content priorities; these members are an integral piece of AIHA. We need to think beyond the science of evaluating exposures, and begin to truly think about prevention of disease. AIHA can provide tools that help members focus on the pinnacle of the hierarchy of controls: elimination, substitution, and engineered controls. AIHA members can then apply these tools to new processes and hazards, or “old” hazards such as silica. With a flexible list of content priorities that includes the changing workplace, IH/OH standard of care, and management of big data, AIHA and its members can together begin to eliminate disease with new approaches to exposure prevention.  To make workplace health, safety, and well-being a priority, AIHA can incorporate these concepts into the national conversation, integrating the mission and goals of AIHA into daily lives by using Safety Matters, partnering with NIOSH on Total Worker Health, and continuing to put workplace diseases in the national spotlight with Government Relations. AIHA members, communities, products and services can all support this integration of life and wellness. AIHA and its members are natural champions of workplace health, safety, and wellbeing. I challenge us all to continue to educate our managers and workers, and help them own health, safety and wellness in the workplace.