Cast Your Ballot in the 2017 AIHA Board Election
Once again, AIHA has partnered with Votenet, a nationally recognized company, to provide a safe, secure web-based voting system during the March 2017 Board of Directors election cycle. Beginning in early March, AIHA members will use their email address and membership identification number to access the voting system.
Members who require a paper ballot must submit their request by email to
no later than Friday, Feb. 24. The paper ballot will be mailed by early March and must be returned postmarked no later than Friday, March 17, to be counted in the election.
For more information, please contact Felicia Fett at (703) 846-0702 or
Students: AIHF Scholarship Applications Are Due Next Month
The American Industrial Hygiene Foundation (AIHF) is now accepting scholarship applications for the 2017–2018 academic year. Students are evaluated on academic record, extracurricular activities, future goals as an industrial hygienist, and potential for leadership in the industrial hygiene profession. Several AIHF scholarships have specific criteria, and schools or students who meet those criteria will be given first consideration.
All application materials must be submitted to
by Feb. 17, 2017. More information on AIHF scholarships and eligibility requirements is available
AIHF Elects Member-at-Large Trustee
In November, the American Industrial Hygiene Foundation (AIHF) Board of Trustees named John L. Henshaw, CIH, as its “member-at-large trustee” for the 2017 term. By joining the leadership of AIHF, Henshaw will help shape the future for students across the industrial hygiene profession.
Henshaw, who has 40 years of experience in industrial hygiene, safety, environmental health, and quality assurance, is currently senior vice president and managing principal, Industrial Hygiene and Safety for Cardno ChemRisk. He served as president of AIHA in 1990–1991 and as the U.S. Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA from 2001 through 2004.
“The AIHF, through its trustees, plays a critical role in assuring the Foundation lives up to its mission,” Henshaw said. “AIHF donors have been very generous in the past, and my personal goal as a member of the Board of Trustees is to ensure that we continue to secure contributions, fulfill the expectations of our donors, and create the greatest positive impact possible in our profession.”
For more information, read AIHA's
press release
Volunteer Groups Seek Nominations for 2017 Awards
Three AIHA committees are currently seeking nominations for awards. The following awards will be presented at AIHce 2017, which will be held June 4–7, in Seattle, Wash.
John A. Leonowich Award.
The Nonionizing Radiation (NIR) Committee seeks nominations for the John A. Leonowich Award for educational excellence in NIR through March 1. The award recognizes the achievements made by current students in advancing understanding of NIR. The nomination form can be found on the committee's
web page
Rachel Carson Award.
The AIHA Environmental Issues Committee welcomes nominations for its 2017 Rachel Carson Award through Feb. 28. The award is presented to individuals who have achieved outstanding success in their EHS business, profession, or life’s work. Additional information, including the nomination form, can be found on the committee's
web page
. Please send nominations to Thursa La at
Golden Seed Award.
The Student and Early Career Professionals Committee seeks nominations for its 2017 Golden Seed Award through March 17. Nominees must be AIHA members who have demonstrated a commitment to promoting the IH profession among students and early career professionals. For more information, or to submit nominations, contact Thursa La at
The Golden Seed Award winner and others will be honored at the Mark of Excellence Breakfast on Wednesday, June 7, at AIHce 2017.
Reminder: Membership Renewals Due
A new year is upon us, which means it’s time to renew your AIHA membership. If you have not yet renewed, please visit
to renew online today.
Now is also a great time to review and update your member profile, which can be accessed through the Member Center on the AIHA website. The Member Center includes important links to exclusive member benefits and other resources and a copy of the
AIHA Membership Guide
to help you get the most out of your membership. If you have any questions about your membership, please contact AIHA Member Services at
or (703) 849-8888.
Call for Volunteers: 
AIHA Finance Committee
The AIHA Finance Committee is a standing committee that works with AIHA’s Board of Directors, chief executive officer, and managing director of finance to monitor the finances of the association. There is currently one opening on the Finance Committee that the Board must fill for a three-year term beginning June 2017. Interested individuals should review the roles and responsibilities (
) and submit an application by Jan. 31, 2017.
Download the application
as a Word document.
Sponsor an International Affiliate Member
Any AIHA member in good standing can sponsor an International Affiliate member by paying membership dues for that individual. Annual dues are $54. To sponsor an International Affiliate member, forward the candidate’s completed application with dues payment to AIHA. AIHA is unable to accept sponsored members’ applications online. For more information, contact member services at
2017 Consultants Listing Coming Soon
Consultants Listing
is a comprehensive print and online directory of OEHS companies across the nation that is requested by some of the top organizations in the industry. The latest edition of the
Consultants Listing
will be published this month. If you missed the opportunity to purchase a listing, you can still get an online-only listing. For more information, contact Wanda Barbour at
or (703) 846-0782.
Dates and Deadlines
January 31
Deadline to submit applications for the AIHA Finance Committee.
February 17
Deadline for AIHF scholarship applications.
March 20–24
Comprehensive Industrial Hygiene Review course
in Ann Arbor, Mich. Co-sponsored by the Michigan Industrial Hygiene Society.
March 27–30
Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene course
in Westerville, Ohio.
For a complete list of events, visit AIHA's