ADVERTISEMENT • ​​Lab Health/Safety and Lab Services/Consulting
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ALS Environmental Laboratory Testing Services
ALS Environmental has premier industrial hygiene laboratories throughout North America, providing exceptional analytical service with rapid turnaround times. Work with experienced experts who will manage your projects and provide solutions. ALS has a full range of services, including many specialty analyses. Ask about our online data access and customized reports. Visit
ION Science Introducing TIGER LT
A new, low-cost variant of the hugely popular TIGER VOC, this entry-level, handheld VOC detector offers leading accuracy and run time as well as worldwide Intrinsic Safety certification for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. TIGER LT gives increased resistance to humidity and contamination, minimizing drift issues and extending field time. Visit​
Nextteq LLC VeriAir Flex® Manual-Inflating Sample Bags
Nextteq’s VeriAir Flex manual-inflating sample bags offer a patented design that allows a whole air sample to be collected without expensive sampling pumps or equipment. Simple, reusable, and made of durable multi-layer foil, VeriAir Flex bags are available in 1- and 5-liter sizes. A 1-liter VeriAir Flex Tedlar® bag is also available.​
S.E. International, Inc. Radiation Alert® InspectorUSB Handheld Radiation Measuring Instrument
Now featuring on-board memory, free Observer software, and backlit display. The Radiation Alert InspectorUSB is a small, microprocessor-based survey meter that offers excellent sensitivity to low levels of alpha, beta, gamma, X-rays, and built-in efficiencies for common isotopes to calculate activity in Becquerels and DPM. Visit ​
Supelco, Inc. Air Sampling Media, Analytical Standards, Columns, and More
Supelco provides innovative solutions for your air sampling needs. Our products are packed with our high quality adsorbents inside. We offer the complete solution—from collecting the sample to sample preparation and analysis. Refresh your air sampling media with Supelco Solutions Within. Visit ​
SKC Inc. Active Sampling Media for Peracetic Acid
SKC is your primary source for active sampling media for the simultaneous sampling of peracetic or peroxyacetic acid (PAA) and hydrogen peroxide (HP). The media meet specifications of a French INRS method; it is the only method available for PAA/HP at this time. SKC Coated Filter 225-9030 for HP and Sorbent Tubes 226-193 and 226-199 for PAA are all available at (search PAA).​
TSI PortaCount Respirator Fit Testers
PortaCount® Respirator Fit Testers are the only proven quantitative fit-testing equipment for confidence in accurate real-time results. The integrated real-time technology provides for immediate fit 
optimization and for the most 
comprehensive quantitative fit training in the industry—saving you valuable time and money. Now with enhanced Fitpro+™ Software. Visit​
Zefon International Zefon Escort ELF Sampling Pump
The Escort ELF personal sampling pump with the patented Electronic Laminar Flow control features temperature and pressure compensation that permits the most accurate flow rate in the industry. With the internal secondary standard that continuously calibrates the pump, the Escort ELF is the best choice for personal air sampling needs. Visit​