Total Worker Health Symposium to Be Held in May
NIOSH’s 2nd International Symposium to Advance Total Worker Health will be held May 8–11, 2018, at the Natcher Conference Center at National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. The conference brings together researchers and practitioners from the U.S. and abroad who are advancing the research and practice of TWH, a NIOSH initiative that seeks to integrate protection from work-related safety and health hazards with promotion of injury and illness prevention. The conference theme is “Work & Well-Being: How Safer, Healthier Work Can Enhance Well-Being.” Participants will discuss novel research and strategies to improve worker health and seek to establish new links between work and the risks for chronic disease. The symposium will cover topics such as workplace risks and health outcomes, changing work force demographics, work design and new technologies, and the implications of globalization and the international economy for TWH. For more information, visit NIOSH's