MSHA Aims to Increase Awareness of Recent Coal Mining Accidents
In response to a trend in nonfatal mining accidents resulting in more serious injuries, MSHA issued a “call to safety” to coal miners working in underground and surface mines. According to MSHA, eight deaths and more than 1,100 nonfatal accidents resulting in restricted duty, missed days at work, and permanent disabilities have occurred in U.S. coal mines since October 2015. At least 30 of those accidents—the majority of which were attributed to powered haulage, electrical and machinery classifications—might have led to fatalities, the agency notes. As part of the initiative, MSHA inspectors engaged coal miners and operators in “walk and talks” throughout the month of September.
“These walk and talks are intended to increase miners’ awareness of recent accidents, encourage the application of safety training, and raise hazard recognition,” said Joseph A. Main, assistant secretary of labor for mine safety and health.
See MSHA’s
press release