​EU Agency Issues Warning about False REACH Registration Claims
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) urges potential registrants of chemical substances under the EU’s Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation to beware false invitations from companies claiming to be the lead registrant for these chemicals. According to ECHA, false claims have been made in some instances where lead registrants for chemicals have already been selected, joint REACH registration has already been submitted, or nominations have not been agreed upon by co-registrants. ECHA encourages potential registrants to check the “
information on chemicals
” section of the agency’s website to determine whether a chemical has been registered and to locate co-registrants. To verify the validity of companies claiming to be lead registrants, ECHA suggests asking for details about the identity of the substance and for evidence that the company has the consent of co-registrants to act as a lead registrant and sufficient information for a compliant dossier. “‘One substance, one registration’ is one of the core principles of REACH,” ECHA’s press release states. “Companies registering the same substance must work together: establish substance sameness, share scientific data and costs, and submit a joint registration. The main task of the lead registrant is to submit the joint registration dossier containing all information needed for a compliant substance registration.” Companies experiencing difficulty verifying the validity of a lead registration should contact ECHA through its online “
help desk
.” For more information, see ECHA’s
press release